April 10, 2016 AFS Board Meeting Minutes
By Steve Yothment
Present at meeting: President Laura Ross, VP (Internal) Steve Yothment, VP (External) Dwight Lyman, Treasurer Diane Buckner, Board Members Mark Banks, Michael Buckner, Jack Egger, Mike Bucci. (Freya Harris arrived at 11:40 AM.)
Absent from meeting: Secretary John Carver, Board Member Judy Thompson
The meeting started at 11:05 AM. Steve took the minutes.
Diane presented the 1st Quarter Treasurer’s Report. The balance on December 31 was $12,977.31. Income was $3,350.00. Expenses were $2,353.02. New balance on March 31 was $15,025.27. The Treasurer’s Report was approved.
Building and Grounds:
– Mark reported that the broken rail at the front of the building was repaired (re-welded) for $160. Thanks to Jack
Egger for getting a repair person for this.
– Mark reported that the new outdoor lights (mounted on trees) are now connected and working.
AFS Website:
Dwight has improved the AFS website. The latest newsletters are now available from the website. He may add a Speaker’s Bureau to the website. Steve suggested we promote the AFS Facebook page on our website.
First Aid Kit:
After some discussion, it was moved, seconded and passed that Daniel Pyron would put together a First Aid Kit for AF Hall. He was authorized to spend up to $30 for this.
Artwork at AF Hall:
The board agreed to have a day for members to post artwork inside AF Hall. The day for putting up the artwork is May 28, at 2:00 PM. Mark will help at hanging the artwork.
Plans for AFS Meetings:
May 8: Panel Discussion on Separation of Church and State in Public Schools, led by Mark Banks. We will discuss the
FFRF pamphlet “Top 10 Public School State/Church Violations.”
June 12: Barry Lynn of Americans United for Separation of Church and State will speak.
July 10: Speck Kevin Pratt of Sunday Assembly Atlanta will speak.
The meeting ended at 12:04 PM.