Sarah Harrison Green, TN Regional Director for American Atheists

Sarah Harrison Green will be speaking on the topic of “Atheists in Those Hills.”

Ms. Green grew up on a Tennessee Baptist Campground in East Tennessee. She was raised in a Southern Baptist family, with her father working for the Southern Baptist Convention and the Tennessee Baptist Convention for most of his life. She describes herself as a curious child. She realized that she was an Atheist by the age of 15, but like many, she remained closeted and fearful. It’s only been two years since Sarah began opening up to friends and family. Today she is fully open about her non-belief with her friends, family, and co-workers.

Sarah has been the Tennessee Director of American Atheists since November 2014. She is also a charter member of the Secular Coalition for Tennessee. Sarah is currently working to improve communication and inter-connectivity among all secular groups in Tennessee through the Tennessee Freethought Network. Sarah will be speaking to us about some of the challenges we face attempting to organize in the South, as well as specific obstacles for the secular community.

Be sure to come at noon for light refreshments and to meet with your fellow freethinkers. The talk will begin at 1:00 p.m. Afterwards, many of us go out to eat at a local restaurant.