Shelley Segal in Concert

The Atlanta Coalition of Reason and Black Nonbelievers are presenting Australian secular musician Shelly Segal, who will be back performing for the second time at Atlanta Freethought Hall! An artist, an activist, and an explicit story-teller, Shelley uses her music not only to express the way she sees the world, but to create the world that she wants to see.

“Thoughtful lyrics celebrating life, love, and reason” –Julia Burke

Desirous of all expressions, Shelley flirts with elements of jazz, folk, pop, blues, reggae & electronica, imparting a pure joy about music and its power.

Admission is $5 at the door and light refreshments will be provided. The doors will open at 7:00 and the concert will start at 8:00. Shelley will also have music for sale at the event.